September 26, 2012

Give me just a bit more time...

It's now 4.35am here in Roissy, Paris and I've been up since 2.45am. 

Can't sleep..

Which is actually a good thing as it's 10.35am in Kuala Lumpur. Jet lag would not be a problem, I hope..

Will have to be up to check out and leave for the airport in a couple of hours. The past week have been like a dream... not because its not real, but because I have pushed most of my thoughts n mind out of work and life back home..

Being away for a couple of days its not a problem but when it last more then a week or 9.5 days to be exact,  life can different. Real life back home seems to be hazy and something that happened in a distant past. 

Oh well.... but slowly, its coming back. All the work that I have shelve, all the problems and customers, all the emails yet to be replied, all the things that needed to be look into.. 

Yet, I am resisting it. Trying to hold on to the adventures that I have here, the air, the experiences, the glitz, the lights, the love; which will soon become distant memories. Everything seems so surreal. Its so peaceful. So full of life. So much joy. So little cares. Just us two... 

So much stories to tell. So much experiences to share. All that will have to wait.

Let me just crawl back into bed, huddle under the warm covers and just hold on a little longer.

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